Hey I'm Nick

I'm a young programmer, ham radio operator, networks enthusiast, and crafter. Feel free to snoop around or check out some of my socials!

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    How this blog is made

    How this blog is made

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    My Homelab

    A tour of my colocated homelab complete with running an AS and 40+ docker services.

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    Hey, is this thing on?

    Pst, hey. You. Yeah you. This is my first ham radio blog post. I'll get better as I go, amateur radio seems to be one of those hobbies that grows with you for a long, long, long time. How long 'till I made a QSO? Too long. I had to wait...

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    University of Waterloo Orbital

    We're building a satellite! 34x10x10, that's what we've got. Not meters, feet, nor inches, but centimeters. It really ain't that much if you want to fit everything. 4kg max too. The Canadian Satellite Design Challenge > Competition for teams of university students to design and build a small science research satellite...

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    University of Waterloo Rocketry

    The University of Waterloo Rocketry team utilizes amateur radio in the form of APRS for telemetry and tracking of the rocket! You'd think we went with a good ol' off the shelf APRS transceiver, and you would be partially correct! So far, we've been using an OTS APRS module that...

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