• | 1 min read

    How this blog is made

    How this blog is made

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  • | 1 min read

    My Homelab

    A tour of my colocated homelab complete with running an AS and 40+ docker services.

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  • | 2 min read

    Hey, is this thing on?

    Pst, hey. You. Yeah you. This is my first ham radio blog post. I'll get better as I go, amateur radio seems to be one of those hobbies that grows with you for a long, long, long time. How long 'till I made a QSO? Too long. I had to wait...

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  • | 1 min read

    University of Waterloo Orbital

    We're building a satellite! 34x10x10, that's what we've got. Not meters, feet, nor inches, but centimeters. It really ain't that much if you want to fit everything. 4kg max too. The Canadian Satellite Design Challenge > Competition for teams of university students to design and build a small science research satellite...

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  • | 1 min read

    University of Waterloo Rocketry

    The University of Waterloo Rocketry team utilizes amateur radio in the form of APRS for telemetry and tracking of the rocket! You'd think we went with a good ol' off the shelf APRS transceiver, and you would be partially correct! So far, we've been using an OTS APRS module that...

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  • | 2 min read

    How I used Google Docs as a CMS for a Blog Style Website

    I was assigned the task of building a newspaper/blog website for my school. The current website is built with Wix and is not responsive at all. It's also a genuine eyesore to look at. I decided I needed a CMS to get the rest of the team to be able to...

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  • | 3 min read

    Are Hackathons Really Worth It?

    Introduction I enjoy hackathons. They force us to complete a project and present it no matter what state it's in. This is the main reason I participate. It forces me to just code and whatever I get done I must present. It contrasts my normal approach to projects, which is...

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  • | 3 min read
    Arch LinuxOperating Systems

    Is Arch Linux a Good OS for School and Everyday Use?

    5 things to look for in an operating system for school/productivity 1. Reliability 2. Performance 3. Efficiency 4. Compatibility 6. Future proof Arch Linux pros and cons? Pros: - pacman/AUR - If pacman doesn't have the package you are looking for, the AUR usually does. It's insanely complete. I personally have 1600...

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  • | 1 min read

    Fractals as a Live Wallpaper

    I have always loved fractals. Something about the Mandelbrot set is so captivating to me. I've always wanted to write my own implementation of it and I've always wanted to use it as my wallpaper, so I decided why not combine both! I wrote a live wallpaper program for Linux...

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  • | 2 min read
    GameboyAssemblyMachine Code

    Why Build a Gameboy Emulator

    I think everyone should build an emulator and some point or another. I was recently playing some Pokemon Red on the original Gameboy. Something about the game captivates me. A large portion of this appeal comes from the emulator. I find it fascinating how we can now run an emulator on...

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  • | 4 min read

    My experience using Svelte

    A few weeks ago I started building a web app to anonymously connect students with trained peers. The project needed to be on a small budget (aka free). Most of the stuff I build is on a similar budget, and by that I mean the exact same budget. This is...

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  • | 1 min read

    Drawing Pictures in Desmos

    I was messing around with various APIs and I stumbled across a feature in Desmos that allows you to place a colored pixel anywhere on the graph. I instantly wanted to set up a script that would draw out an image. I decided to start small and make an apple. Here...

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  • | 3 min read

    Making YouTube Videos Completely Automatically

    I came across this type of channel on YouTube called Reddit readers. They use a text to speech software or a human voice over to read Reddit posts. There are plenty of them if you search up `reddit reader`. I realized that this is probably possible to do without any...

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  • | 1 min read

    Minecraft Pic

    I made a python script that takes your webcam's pixels, converts them to Minecraft blocks, then passes them to a datapack that places the blocks in your Minecraft's world! Here is an example: ![image-20210708111040003](assets/mc-phone.png) It maps each pixel color in the webcam to a concrete color in Minecraft. It was quite fun...

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  • | 1 min read

    Scroll n Stroll

    People are spending way too much time on their phones right now all cooped up in their houses. I decided to tackle this problem by building Scroll n Stroll. An app, as the name suggests, where you need to amass steps in order to increase your screen time allowance. The...

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  • | 1 min read

    p5js as a Learning Tool

    p5js is a graphics library for javascript that is a port of the Processing language. p5js is incredibly simple. It's about as close to English as you can get. For example, take a look at the reference: https://p5js.org/reference/. You don't even need to read the description of each function to...

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